Cat Lover

Birthday:               09.06
Favorite color:         blue
Favorite animal:        cat
Interests:              making new friends;drawing                             

Sjörs der Gummientenverkäufer

Come to buy my Gummienten!      

Daria die Tofuesserin

Hey! your profile is so tofu! :3


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You have been blocked.

How do you feel now?

Did you know, that bullying victims are 2 to 9 times more likely to consider committing suicide?

What would you do, if there was a Facebook group about you, where all of your classmates would write bad things about you?

Could you look in the eyes of the person, you have said bad things to?

You are not a bad person, I know it. Maybe you have been bullied as well, when you were a child at the playground?

It´s never too late to change yourself.

What will you do?
I don´t care.
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It´s... never too late.

Cat Lover

Birthday:               09.06

Favorite color:

Favorite animal:

making new friends;drawing                              
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Cat Lover

Stop saying such bad things *crying*...

It would be the best, to block you, i guess...

Haha,  run to your mummy!, you weirdo!No, wait! Please, don´t do it!
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Cat Lover

Birthday:               09.06

Favorite color:

Favorite animal:

making new friends;drawing                              
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Cat Lover

What?...why would you say such things?

I don´t understand you at all...

Haha, you are just too stupid for understanding.I... I am sorry. I had a bad day.
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Cat Lover

Birthday:               09.06

Favorite color:

Favorite animal:

making new friends;drawing                          
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Cat Lover

Hm...I like your profile picture ...

Let´s talk about cats?

And I dont like yours! It is silly and you stink.Oh, thank you! Totally, let´s talk about Cats!
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Cat Lover

Birthday:               09.06

Favorite color:

Favorite animal:

making new friends; drawing                              
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Cat Lover

There are so many kinds of cats, which I like!

What´s about you?

They are all as  stupid... as your nickname is.I love all kinds of cats, especially the chubby ones! 
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Cat Lover

Birthday:               09.06

Favorite color:

Favorite animal:

making new friends; drawing                               
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Cat Lover

Hey, I just recognized...

We could be friends!

Would you like to add me as a friend?

Haha, you totally believed me! I hate cats!Oh, thank you! Totally, let´s talk about Cats!
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One more friend!

I´m glad, that you are such a kind person. But... did you know, that 70% of students report seeing frequent bullying online?

81% of young people think bullying online is easier to get away with than bullying in person.

90% of teens who have seen social-media bullying say they have ignored it. 84% have seen others tell cyber bullies to stop.

It´s never too late, to take action.

Start a Facebook page for students to submit positive acts they see in school to promote a culture of positivity on and offline!

What will you do?
I don´t care.
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It´s... never too late.